State the Lax-Milgram lemma.
Let V=V(x1,x2,x3) be a smooth vector field which is 2π-periodic in each coordinate xj for j=1,2,3. Write down the definition of a weak Hper1 solution for the equation
to be solved for u=u(x1,x2,x3) given f=f(x1,x2,x3) in H0, with both u and f also 2π-periodic in each co-ordinate. [In this question use the definition
for the Sobolev spaces of functions 2π-periodic in each coordinate xj and for s=0,1,2,…]
If the vector field is divergence-free, prove that there exists a unique weak Hper1 solution for all such f.
Supposing that V is the constant vector field with components (1,0,0), write down the solution of (∗) in terms of Fourier series and show that there exists C>0 such that