Consider the linear model Y=Xβ+ϵ where Y=(Y1,…,Yn)T,β=(β1,…,βp)T, and ϵ=(ϵ1,…,ϵn)T, with ϵ1,…,ϵn independent N(0,σ2) random variables. The (n×p) matrix X is known and is of full rank p<n. Give expressions for the maximum likelihood estimators β and σ2 of β and σ2 respectively, and state their joint distribution. Show that β is unbiased whereas σ2 is biased.
Suppose that a new variable Y∗ is to be observed, satisfying the relationship
where x∗(p×1) is known, and ϵ∗∼N(0,σ2) independently of ϵ. We propose to predict Y∗ by Y=x∗Tβ. Identify the distribution of