Variables Y1,…,Yn are independent, with Yi having a density p(y∣μi) governed by an unknown parameter μi. Define the deviance for a model M that imposes relationships between the (μi).
From this point on, suppose Yi∼Poisson(μi). Write down the log-likelihood of data y1,…,yn as a function of μ1,…,μn.
Let μi be the maximum likelihood estimate of μi under model M. Show that the deviance for this model is given by
Now suppose that, under M,logμi=βTxi,i=1,…,n, where x1,…,xn are known p-dimensional explanatory variables and β is an unknown p-dimensional parameter. Show that μ:=(μ1,…,μn)T satisfies XTy=XTμ, where y=(y1,…,yn)T and X is the (n×p) matrix with rows x1T,…,xnT, and express this as an equation for the maximum likelihood estimate β of β. [You are not required to solve this equation.]