(a) A classical particle of mass m scatters on a central potential V(r) with energy E, impact parameter b, and scattering angle θ. Define the corresponding differential cross-section.
For particle trajectories in the Coulomb potential,
the impact parameter is given by
Find the differential cross-section as a function of E and θ.
(b) A quantum particle of mass m and energy E=ℏ2k2/2m scatters in a localised potential V(r). With reference to the asymptotic form of the wavefunction at large ∣r∣, define the scattering amplitude f(k,k′) as a function of the incident and outgoing wavevectors k and k′ (where ∣k∣=∣k′∣=k ). Define the differential cross-section for this process and express it in terms of f(k,k′).
Now consider a potential of the form V(r)=λU(r), where λ≪1 is a dimensionless coupling and U does not depend on λ. You may assume that the Schrödinger equation for the wavefunction ψ(k;r) of a scattering state with incident wavevector k may be written as the integral equation
Show that the corresponding scattering amplitude is given by
By expanding the wavefunction in powers of λ and keeping only the leading term, calculate the leading-order contribution to the differential cross-section, and evaluate it for the case of the Yukawa potential
By taking a suitable limit, obtain the differential cross-section for quantum scattering in the Coulomb potential VC(r) defined in Part (a) above, correct to leading order in an expansion in powers of the constant α~=e2/4πϵ0. Express your answer as a function of the particle energy E and scattering angle θ, and compare it to the corresponding classical cross-section calculated in Part (a).
Part II, 2014 List of Questions