Let (Xn:n∈N) be a sequence of independent identically distributed random variables. Set Sn=X1+⋯+Xn.
(i) State the strong law of large numbers in terms of the random variables Xn.
(ii) Assume now that the Xn are non-negative and that their expectation is infinite. Let R∈(0,∞). What does the strong law of large numbers say about the limiting behaviour of SnR/n, where SnR=(X1∧R)+⋯+(Xn∧R) ?
Deduce that Sn/n→∞ almost surely.
Show that
Show that Xn⩾Rn infinitely often almost surely.
(iii) Now drop the assumption that the Xn are non-negative but continue to assume that E(∣X1∣)=∞. Show that, almost surely,