(i) State Frobenius' theorem for transitive permutation groups acting on a finite set. Define Frobenius group and show that any finite Frobenius group (with an appropriate action) satisfies the hypotheses of Frobenius' theorem.
(ii) Consider the group
where p is prime, q divides p−1 ( q not necessarily prime), and u has multiplicative order q modulo p (such elements u exist since q divides p−1). Let S be the subgroup of Zp× consisting of the powers of u, so that ∣S∣=q. Write r=(p−1)/q, and let v1,…,vr be coset representatives for S in Zp×.
(a) Show that Fp,q has q+r conjugacy classes and that a complete list of the classes comprises {1},{avjs:s∈S}(1⩽j⩽r) and {ambn:0⩽m⩽p−1}(1⩽n⩽q−1).
(b) By observing that the derived subgroup Fp,q′=⟨a⟩, find q 1-dimensional characters of Fp,q. [Appropriate results may be quoted without proof.]
(c) Let ε=e2πi/p. For v∈Zp×denote by ψv the character of ⟨a⟩ defined by ψv(ax)=εvx(0⩽x⩽p−1). By inducing these characters to Fp,q, or otherwise, find r distinct irreducible characters of degree q.