Consider the normal linear model where the n-vector of responses Y satisfies Y=Xβ+ε with ε∼Nn(0,σ2I) and X is an n×p design matrix with full column rank. Write down a (1−α)-level confidence set for β.
Define the Cook's distance for the observation (Yi,xi) where xiT is the i th row of X, and give its interpretation in terms of confidence sets for β.
In the model above with n=100 and p=4, you observe that one observation has Cook's distance 3.1. Would you be concerned about the influence of this observation? Justify your answer.
[Hint: You may find some of the following facts useful:
If Z∼χ42, then P(Z⩽1.06)=0.1,P(Z⩽7.78)=0.9.
If Z∼F4,96, then P(Z⩽0.26)=0.1,P(Z⩽2.00)=0.9.
If Z∼F96,4, then P(Z⩽0.50)=0.1,P(Z⩽3.78)=0.9.]