Consider the normal linear model where the n-vector of responses Y satisfies Y=Xβ+ε with ε∼Nn(0,σ2I). Here X is an n×p matrix of predictors with full column rank where n⩾p+3, and β∈Rp is an unknown vector of regression coefficients. Let X0 be the matrix formed from the first p0<p columns of X, and partition β as β=(β0T,β1T)T where β0∈Rp0 and β1∈Rp−p0. Denote the orthogonal projections onto the column spaces of X and X0 by P and P0 respectively.
It is desired to test the null hypothesis H0:β1=0 against the alternative hypothesis H1:β1=0. Recall that the F-test for testing H0 against H1 rejects H0 for large values of
Show that (I−P)(P−P0)=0, and hence prove that the numerator and denominator of F are independent under either hypothesis.
Show that
where τ2=(p−p0)σ2∥(P−P0)Xβ∥2.
[In this question you may use the following facts without proof: P−P0 is an orthogonal projection with rank p−p0; any n×n orthogonal projection matrix Π satisfies ∥Πε∥2∼σ2χν2, where ν=rank(Π); and if Z∼χν2 then E(Z−1)=(ν−2)−1 when ν>2.]