For a timelike geodesic in the equatorial plane (θ=21π) of the Schwarzschild spacetime with line element
derive the equation
and h and E are constants. The dot denotes the derivative with respect to an affine parameter τ satisfying c2dτ2=−ds2.
Given that there is a stable circular orbit at r=R, show that
where ϵ=rs/R.
Compute Ω, the orbital angular frequency (with respect to τ ).
Show that the angular frequency ω of small radial perturbations is given by
Deduce that the rate of precession of the perihelion of the Earth's orbit, Ω−ω, is approximately 3Ω3T2, where T is the time taken for light to travel from the Sun to the Earth. [You should assume that the Earth's orbit is approximately circular, with rs/R≪1 and E≃c2.]