Let u=u(x) be a smooth function that decays rapidly as ∣x∣→∞ and let L=−∂x2+u(x) denote the associated Schrödinger operator. Explain very briefly each of the terms appearing in the scattering data
associated with the operator L. What does it mean to say u(x) is reflectionless?
Given S, define the function
If K=K(x,y) is the unique solution to the GLM equation
what is the relationship between u(x) and K(x,x) ?
Now suppose that u=u(x,t) is time dependent and that it solves the KdV equation ut+uxxx−6uux=0. Show that L=−∂x2+u(x,t) obeys the Lax equation
Lt=[L,A], where A=4∂x3−3(u∂x+∂xu).
Show that the discrete eigenvalues of L are time independent.
In what follows you may assume the time-dependent scattering data take the form
Show that if u(x,0) is reflectionless, then the solution to the KdV equation takes the form
where A is an N×N matrix which you should determine.
Assume further that R(k,0)=k2f(k), where f is smooth and decays rapidly at infinity. Show that, for any fixed x,
∫−∞∞eikxR(k,0)e8ik3t dk=O(t−1) as t→∞
Comment briefly on the significance of this result.
[You may assume detA1dxd(detA)=tr(A−1 dxdA) for a non-singular matrix A(x).]