Consider a three-dimensional high-Reynolds number jet without swirl induced by a force F=Fez imposed at the origin in a fluid at rest. The velocity in the jet, described using cylindrical coordinates (r,θ,z), is assumed to remain steady and axisymmetric, and described by a boundary layer analysis.
(i) Explain briefly why the flow in the jet can be described by the boundary layer equations
(ii) Show that the momentum flux in the jet, F=∫Sρuz2dS, where S is an infinite surface perpendicular to ez, is not a function of z. Combining this result with scalings from the boundary layer equations, derive the scalings for the unknown width δ(z) and typical velocity U(z) of the jet as functions of z and the other parameters of the problem (ρ,ν,F).
(iii) Solving for the flow using a self-similar Stokes streamfunction
show that f(η) satisfies the differential equation
What boundary conditions should be applied to this equation? Give physical reasons for them.
[Hint: In cylindrical coordinates for axisymmetric incompressible flow (ur(r,z),0,uz(r,z)) you are given the incompressibility condition as
the z-component of the Navier-Stokes equation as
and the relationship between the Stokes streamfunction, ψ(r,z), and the velocity components as