The distribution function f(x,p,t) gives the number of particles in the universe with position in (x,x+δx) and momentum in (p,p+δp) at time t. It satisfies the boundary condition that f→0 as ∣x∣→∞ and as ∣p∣→∞. Its evolution obeys the Boltzmann equation
where the collision term [dtdf]col describes any particle production and annihilation that occurs.
The universe expands isotropically and homogeneously with expansion scale factor a(t), so the momenta evolve isotropically with magnitude p∝a−1. Show that the Boltzmann equation simplifies to
The number densities n of particles and nˉ of antiparticles are defined in terms of their distribution functions f and fˉ, and momenta p and pˉ, by
n=∫0∞f4πp2dp and nˉ=∫0∞fˉ4πpˉ2dpˉ
and the collision term may be assumed to be of the form
where ⟨σv⟩ determines the annihilation cross-section of particles by antiparticles and R is the production rate of particles.
By integrating equation (∗) with respect to the momentum p and assuming that ⟨σv⟩ is a constant, show that
where Q=∫0∞R4πp2dp. Assuming the same production rate R for antiparticles, write down the corresponding equation satisfied by nˉ and show that