(a) A uniform, isotropic dielectric medium occupies the half-space z>0. The region z<0 is in vacuum. State the boundary conditions that should be imposed on E,D,B and H at z=0.
(b) A linearly polarized electromagnetic plane wave, with magnetic field in the (x,y)-plane, is incident on the dielectric from z<0. The wavevector k makes an acute angle θI to the normal z^. If the dielectric has frequency-independent relative permittivity ϵr, show that the fraction of the incident power that is reflected is
where n=ϵr, and the angle θT should be specified. [You should ignore any magnetic response of the dielectric.]
(c) Now suppose that the dielectric moves at speed βc along the x-axis, the incident angle θI=0, and the magnetic field of the incident radiation is along the y-direction. Show that the reflected radiation propagates normal to the surface z=0, has the same frequency as the incident radiation, and has magnetic field also along the y-direction. [Hint: You may assume that under a standard Lorentz boost with speed v=βc along the x-direction, the electric and magnetic field components transform as
⎝⎛Ex′Ey′Ez′⎠⎞=⎝⎛Exγ(Ey−vBz)γ(Ez+vBy)⎠⎞ and ⎝⎛Bx′By′Bz′⎠⎞=⎝⎛Bxγ(By+vEz/c2)γ(Bz−vEy/c2)⎠⎞
where γ=(1−β2)−1/2.]
(d) Show that the fraction of the incident power reflected from the moving dielectric