Consider a sequence fn:R→R of measurable functions converging pointwise to a function f:R→R. The Lebesgue measure is denoted by λ.
(a) Consider a Borel set A⊂R with finite Lebesgue measure λ(A)<+∞. Define for k,n⩾1 the sets
Prove that for any k,n⩾1, one has En(k)⊂En+1(k) and En(k+1)⊂En(k). Prove that for any k⩾1,A=∪n⩾1En(k).
(b) Consider a Borel set A⊂R with finite Lebesgue measure λ(A)<+∞. Prove that for any ε>0, there is a Borel set Aε⊂A for which λ(A\Aε)⩽ε and such that fn converges to f uniformly on Aε as n→+∞. Is the latter still true when λ(A)=+∞ ?
(c) Assume additionally that fn∈Lp(R) for some p∈(1,+∞], and there exists an M⩾0 for which ∥fn∥Lp(R)⩽M for all n⩾1. Prove that f∈Lp(R).
(d) Let fn and f be as in part (c). Consider a Borel set A⊂R with finite Lebesgue measure λ(A)<+∞. Prove that fn,f are integrable on A and ∫Afndλ→∫Afdλ as n→∞. Deduce that fn converges weakly to f in Lp(R) when p<+∞. Does the convergence have to be strong?