The Poisson equation ∇2u=f in the unit square Ω=[0,1]×[0,1], equipped with the zero Dirichlet boundary conditions on ∂Ω, is discretized with the nine-point formula:
where 1⩽i,j⩽m,ui,j≈u(ih,jh), and (ih,jh) are the grid points with h=m+11.
(i) Find the order of the local truncation error ηi,j of the approximation.
(ii) Prove that the order of the truncation error is smaller if f satisfies the Laplace equation ∇2f=0.
(iii) Show that the modified nine-point scheme
has a truncation error of the same order as in part (ii).
(iv) Let (ui,j)i,j=1m be a solution to the m2×m2 system of linear equations Au=b arising from the modified nine-point scheme in part (iii). Further, let u(x,y) be the exact solution and let ei,j:=ui,j−u(ih,jh) be the error of approximation at grid points. Prove that there exists a constant c such that
[Hint: The nine-point discretization of ∇2u can be written as
where Γ5[u]=(Δx2+Δy2)u is the five-point discretization and
[Hint: The matrix A of the nine-point scheme is symmetric, with the eigenvalues