Denote by C0(Rn) the space of continuous complex-valued functions on Rn converging to zero at infinity. Denote by Ff(ξ)=∫Rne−2iπx⋅ξf(x)dx the Fourier transform of f∈L1(Rn).
(i) Prove that the image of L1(Rn) under F is included and dense in C0(Rn), and that F:L1(Rn)→C0(Rn) is injective. [Fourier inversion can be used without proof when properly stated.]
(ii) Calculate the Fourier transform of χ[a,b], the characteristic function of [a,b]⊂R.
(iii) Prove that gn:=χ[−n,n]∗χ[−1,1] belongs to C0(R) and is the Fourier transform of a function hn∈L1(R), which you should determine.
(iv) Using the functions hn,gn and the open mapping theorem, deduce that the Fourier transform is not surjective from L1(R) to C0(R).