In the model {N(θ,Ip),θ∈Rp} of a Gaussian distribution in dimension p, with unknown mean θ and known identity covariance matrix Ip, we estimate θ based on a sample of i.i.d. observations X1,…,Xn drawn from N(θ0,Ip).
(a) Define the Fisher information I(θ0), and compute it in this model.
(b) We recall that the observed Fisher information in(θ) is given by
Find the limit of i^n=in(θ^MLE), where θ^MLE is the maximum likelihood estimator of θ in this model.
(c) Define the Wald statistic Wn(θ) and compute it. Give the limiting distribution of Wn(θ0) and explain how it can be used to design a confidence interval for θ0.
[You may use results from the course provided that you state them clearly.]