where ei is an orthonormal basis of R3. Find a basis of reciprocal lattice vectors. What is the volume of the Brillouin zone?
The asymptotic wavefunction for a particle, of wavevector k, scattering off a potential V(r) is
where k′=kr^ and fV(k;k′) is the scattering amplitude. Give a formula for the Born approximation to the scattering amplitude.
Scattering of a particle off a single atom is modelled by a potential V(r)=V0δ(r−d) with δ-function support on a spherical shell, r=∣r∣=d centred at the origin. Calculate the Born approximation to the scattering amplitude, denoting the resulting expression as f~V(k;k′).
Scattering of a particle off a crystal consisting of atoms located at the vertices of a lattice Λ is modelled by a potential
where V(r)=V0δ(r−d) as above. Calculate the Born approximation to the scattering amplitude giving your answer in terms of your approximate expression f~V for scattering off a single atom. Show that the resulting amplitude vanishes unless the momentum transfer q=k−k′ lies in the reciprocal lattice Λ⋆.
For the particular FCC lattice considered above, show that, when k=∣k∣>2π/a, scattering occurs for two values of the scattering angle, θ1 and θ2, related by