(a) Consider the topology T on the natural numbers N⊂R induced by the standard topology on R. Prove it is the discrete topology; i.e. T=P(N) is the power set of N.
(b) Describe the corresponding Borel sets on N and prove that any function f:N→R or f:N→[0,+∞] is measurable.
(c) Using Lebesgue integration theory, define ∑n⩾1f(n)∈[0,+∞] for a function f:N→[0,+∞] and then ∑n⩾1f(n)∈C for f:N→C. State any condition needed for the sum of the latter series to be defined. What is a simple function in this setting, and which simple functions have finite sum?
(d) State and prove the Beppo Levi theorem (also known as the monotone convergence theorem).
(e) Consider f:R×N→[0,+∞] such that for any n∈N, the function t↦f(t,n) is non-decreasing. Prove that
Show that this need not be the case if we drop the hypothesis that t↦f(t,n) is nondecreasing, even if all the relevant limits exist.