(a) Let (Xi,Ai) for i=1,2 be two measurable spaces. Define the product σ-algebra A1⊗A2 on the Cartesian product X1×X2. Given a probability measure μi on (Xi,Ai) for each i=1,2, define the product measure μ1⊗μ2. Assuming the existence of a product measure, explain why it is unique. [You may use standard results from the course if clearly stated.]
(b) Let (Ω,F,P) be a probability space on which the real random variables U and V are defined. Explain what is meant when one says that U has law μ. On what measurable space is the measure μ defined? Explain what it means for U and V to be independent random variables.
(c) Now let X=[−21,21], let A be its Borel σ-algebra and let μ be Lebesgue measure. Give an example of a measure η on the product (X×X,A⊗A) such that η(X×A)=μ(A)=η(A×X) for every Borel set A, but such that η is not Lebesgue measure on X×X.
(d) Let η be as in part (c) and let I,J⊂X be intervals of length x and y respectively. Show that
(e) Let X be as in part (c). Fix d⩾2 and let Πi denote the projection Πi(x1,…,xd)=(x1,…,xi−1,xi+1,…,xd) from Xd to Xd−1. Construct a probability measure η on Xd, such that the image under each Πi coincides with the (d−1)-dimensional Lebesgue measure, while η itself is not the d-dimensional Lebesgue measure. [ Hint: Consider the following collection of 2d−1 independent random variables: U1,…,Ud uniformly distributed on [0,21], and ε1,…,εd−1 such that P(εi=1)=P(εi=−1)=21 for each i.]