Paper 1, Section II, I
(a) State and prove Schur's lemma over .
In the remainder of this question we work over .
(b) Let be the cyclic group of order 3 .
(i) Write the regular -module as a direct sum of irreducible submodules.
(ii) Find all the intertwining homomorphisms between the irreducible -modules. Deduce that the conclusion of Schur's lemma is false if we replace by .
(c) Henceforth let be a cyclic group of order . Show that
(i) if is even, the regular -module is a direct sum of two (non-isomorphic) 1dimensional irreducible submodules and (non-isomorphic) 2-dimensional irreducible submodules;
(ii) if is odd, the regular -module is a direct sum of one 1-dimensional irreducible submodule and (non-isomorphic) 2-dimensional irreducible submodules.