(a) In the context of a multi-period model in discrete time, what does it mean to say that a probability measure is an equivalent martingale measure?
(b) State the fundamental theorem of asset pricing.
(c) Consider a single-period model with one risky asset S1 having initial price S01=1. At time 1 its value S11 is a random variable on (Ω,F,P) of the form
where Z∼N(0,1). Assume that there is a riskless numéraire S0 with S00=S10=1. Show that there is no arbitrage in this model.
[Hint: You may find it useful to consider a density of the form exp(σ~Z+m~) and find suitable m~ and σ~. You may use without proof that if X is a normal random variable then E(eX)=exp(E(X)+21Var(X)).]
(d) Now consider a multi-period model with one risky asset S1 having a non-random initial price S01=1 and a price process (St1)t∈{0,…,T} of the form
where Zi are i.i.d. N(0,1)-distributed random variables on (Ω,F,P). Assume that there is a constant riskless numéraire S0 with St0=1 for all t∈{0,…,T}. Show that there exists no arbitrage in this model.