The Riemann zeta function is defined as
for Re(z)>1, and by analytic continuation to the rest of C except at singular points. The integral representation of ( † ) for Re(z)>1 is given by
where Γ is the Gamma function.
(a) The Hankel representation is defined as
Explain briefly why this representation gives an analytic continuation of ζ(z) as defined in ( ‡ ) to all z other than z=1, using a diagram to illustrate what is meant by the upper limit of the integral in (⋆).
[You may assume Γ(z)Γ(1−z)=π/sin(πz).]
(b) Find
where n is an integer and the poles are simple.
(c) By considering
where γ is a suitably modified Hankel contour and using the result of part (b), derive the reflection formula: