(a) State the real version of the Stone-Weierstrass theorem and state the UrysohnTietze extension theorem.
(b) In this part, you may assume that there is a sequence of polynomials Pi such that supx∈[0,1]∣Pi(x)−x∣→0 as i→∞.
Let f:[0,1]→R be a continuous piecewise linear function which is linear on [0,1/2] and on [1/2,1]. Using the polynomials Pi mentioned above (but not assuming any form of the Stone-Weierstrass theorem), prove that there are polynomials Qi such that supx∈[0,1]∣Qi(x)−f(x)∣→0 as i→∞.
(d) Which of the following families of functions are relatively compact in C[0,1] with the supremum norm? Justify your answer.