Let A∈Rn×n be a real symmetric matrix with distinct eigenvalues λ1<λ2<⋯< λn and a corresponding orthonormal basis of real eigenvectors {wi}i=1n. Given a unit norm vector x(0)∈Rn, and a set of parameters sk∈R, consider the inverse iteration algorithm
(a) Let sk=s= const for all k. Assuming that x(0)=∑i=1nciwi with all ci=0, prove that
s<λ1⇒x(k)→w1 or x(k)→−w1(k→∞).
Explain briefly what happens to x(k) when λm<s<λm+1 for some m∈{1,2,…,n−1}, and when λn<s.
(b) Let sk=(Ax(k),x(k)) for k⩾0. Assuming that, for some k, some ai∈R and for a small ϵ,
where c is the appropriate normalising constant. Show that sk=λ1−Kϵ2+O(ϵ4) and determine the value of K. Hence show that
where c1 is the appropriate normalising constant, and find expressions for bi.