(a) What does it mean to say that a binary code has length n, size M and minimum distance d?
Let A(n,d) be the largest value of M for which there exists a binary [n,M,d]-code.
(i) Show that A(n,1)=2n.
(ii) Suppose that n,d>1. Show that if a binary [n,M,d]-code exists, then a binary [n−1,M,d−1]-code exists. Deduce that A(n,d)⩽A(n−1,d−1).
(iii) Suppose that n,d⩾1. Show that A(n,d)⩽2n−d+1.
(b) (i) For integers M and N with 0⩽N⩽M, show that
N(M−N)⩽{M2/4,(M2−1)/4, if M is even , if M is odd
For the remainder of this question, suppose that C is a binary [n,M,d]-code. For codewords x=(x1…xn),y=(y1…yn)∈C of length n, we define x+y to be the word ((x1+y1)…(xn+yn)) with addition modulo 2.
(ii) Explain why the Hamming distance d(x,y) is the number of 1 s in x+y.
(iii) Now we construct an (M2)×n array A whose rows are all the words x+y for pairs of distinct codewords x,y. Show that the number of 1 s in A is at most
{nM2/4,n(M2−1)/4, if M is even if M is odd
Show also that the number of 1 s in A is at least d(M2).
(iv) Using the inequalities derived in part(b) (iii), deduce that if d is even and n<2d then