In linearized general relativity, we consider spacetime metrics that are perturbatively close to Minkowski, gμν=ημν+hμν, where ημν=diag(−1,1,1,1) and hμν=O(ϵ)≪1. In the Lorenz gauge, the Einstein tensor, at linear order, is given by
where □=ημν∂μ∂ν and h=ημνhμν.
(i) Show that the (fully nonlinear) Einstein equations Gαβ=8πTαβ can be equivalently written in terms of the Ricci tensor Rαβ as
Show likewise that equation (†) can be written as
(ii) In the Newtonian limit we consider matter sources with small velocities v≪1 such that time derivatives ∂/∂t∼v∂/∂xi can be neglected relative to spatial derivatives, and the only non-negligible component of the energy-momentum tensor is the energy density T00=ρ. Show that in this limit, we recover from equation (∗) the Poisson equation ∇2Φ=4πρ of Newtonian gravity if we identify h00=−2Φ.
(iii) A point particle of mass M is modelled by the energy density ρ=Mδ(r). Derive the Newtonian potential Φ for this point particle by solving the Poisson equation.
[You can assume the solution of ∇2φ=f(r) is φ(r)=−∫4π∣r−r′∣f(r′)d3r′. ]
(iv) Now consider the Einstein equations with a small positive cosmological constant, Gαβ+Λgαβ=8πTαβ,Λ=O(ϵ)>0. Repeat the steps of questions (i)-(iii), again identifying h00=−2Φ, to show that the Newtonian limit is now described by the Poisson equation ∇2Φ=4πρ−Λ, and that a solution for the potential of a point particle is given by
where B is a constant you should determine. Briefly discuss the effect of the Br2 term and determine for which range of the radius r the weak-field limit is a justified approximation. [Hint: Absorb the term Λgαβ as part of the energy-momentum tensor. Note also that in spherical symmetry ∇2f=r1∂r2∂2(rf).]