on R2 define the prolongation of V of arbitrary order N.
Calculate the prolongation of order two for the group SO(2) of transformations of R2 given for s∈R by
and hence, or otherwise, calculate the prolongation of order two of the vector field V=−x∂u+u∂x. Show that both of the equations uxx=0 and uxx=(1+ux2)23 are invariant under this action of SO(2), and interpret this geometrically.
(b) Show that the sine-Gordon equation
admits the group {gs}s∈R, where
as a group of Lie point symmetries. Show that there is a group invariant solution of the form u(X,T)=F(z) where z is an invariant formed from the independent variables, and hence obtain a second order equation for w=w(z) where exp[iF]=w.