(a) For K a compact Hausdorff space, what does it mean to say that a set S⊂C(K) is equicontinuous. State and prove the Arzelà-Ascoli theorem.
(b) Suppose K is a compact Hausdorff space for which C(K) is a countable union of equicontinuous sets. Prove that K is finite.
(c) Let F:Rn→Rn be a bounded, continuous function and let x0∈Rn. Consider the problem of finding a differentiable function x:[0,1]→Rn with
x(0)=x0 and x′(t)=F(x(t))
for all t∈[0,1]. For each k=1,2,3,…, let xk:[0,1]→Rn be defined by setting xk(0)=x0 and
for t∈[0,1], where
for t∈(kj,kj+1] and j∈{0,1,…,k−1}.
(i) Verify that xk is well-defined and continuous on [0,1] for each k.
(ii) Prove that there exists a differentiable function x:[0,1]→Rn solving (*) for t∈[0,1].