Fix 1<p<∞ and let q satisfy p−1+q−1=1
(a) Let (fj) be a sequence of functions in Lp(Rn). For f∈Lp(Rn), what is meant by (i) fj→f in Lp(Rn) and (ii) fj→f in Lp(Rn) ? Show that if fj→f, then
(b) Suppose that (gj) is a sequence with gj∈Lp(Rn), and that there exists K>0 such that ∥gj∥Lp⩽K for all j. Show that there exists g∈Lp(Rn) and a subsequence (gjk)k=1∞, such that for any sequence (hk) with hk∈Lq(Rn) and hk→h∈Lq(Rn), we have
Give an example to show that the result need not hold if the condition hk→h is replaced by hk→h in Lq(Rn).