Paper 3, Section II, 40E
Consider discretisation of the diffusion equation
by the Crank-Nicholson method:
where is the Courant number, is the step size in the space discretisation, is the step size in the time discretisation, and , where is the solution of . The initial condition is given.
(a) Consider the Cauchy problem for on the whole line, (thus ), and derive the formula for the amplification factor of the Crank-Nicholson method ( ). Use the amplification factor to show that the Crank-Nicholson method is stable for the Cauchy problem for all .
[You may quote basic properties of the Fourier transform mentioned in lectures, but not the theorem on sufficient and necessary conditions on the amplification factor to have stability.]
(b) Consider on the interval (thus and ) with Dirichlet boundary conditions and , for some sufficiently smooth functions and . Show directly (without using the Lax equivalence theorem) that, given sufficient smoothness of , the Crank-Nicholson method is convergent, for any , in the norm defined by for .
[You may assume that the Trapezoidal method has local order 3 , and that the standard three-point centred discretisation of the second derivative (as used in the CrankNicholson method) has local order 2.]